As I have recently discovered, Instagram can be not only the storage of endless selfies, but the source of inspiration. You can always find there beautiful and wellmade photos. You just need to know where to look for. I can help you. Just click the images to see the whole profile of the author. As I have...
Не так давно в прокат вышел "Хоббит: Битва пяти воинств". ...
Welcome to the magic land. ...
More and more graffiti. ...
Ну что ж, лето кончилось ... три недели назад. А я все такая же ленивая. Но пришло время огласить результаты Summer To Do List. Well, the summer is over for... three weeks already. And I`m still being such a lazy bone. But it`s time to summarize that all up. So, the results : Try every...