
Summer : The Results

3:34 pm

       Ну что ж, лето кончилось ... три недели назад. А я все такая же ленивая. Но пришло время огласить результаты Summer To Do List.
       Well, the summer is over for... three weeks already. And I`m still being such a lazy bone. But it`s time to summarize that all up.
       So, the results :

  1.  Try every kind of fruit ice.  Думаю,не все, но попробовала немало. Аж 13 штук.
    I've tasted only 13 kinds, but I think there are much more of them.

  2.  Pick up a bouquet of field flowers.
  3.  Walk under the moon.
  4. Read 10 books.
    Guy de Maupassant "Mon Ami", "A Life", "The Necklace", "The Jewellery", etc. Ги де Мопассан "Милый друг", "Жизнь", "Ожерелье", "Драгоценности" и другие
     "The Old Man and the Sea" Э. Хемингуэй "Старик и море" 
    Harper Lee "To Kill a  Mockingbird" Харпер Ли "Убить пересмешника"
    David Jerome Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye" Д. Дж. Сэлинджер "Над пропастью во ржи"
    Anna Sewell "Black Beauty" А. Сюил "Черный красавчик"
    John Ball "In the Heat of the Night" Дж. Болл "Душной ночью в Каролине"
    Honoré de Balzac "
    Illusions perdues" Оноре де Бальзак "Утраченные иллюзии"
    Uladzimir Karatkievich "
    Spikes under your sickle" В. Короткевич "Колосья под серпом твоим"
    Agatha Christie "The Mystery of King`s Abbot" Агата Кристи "Происшествие в Кингз Эббот"
  5. Visit a museum. The Marc Chagall Museum
  6. Arrange a PJ party with my friends.
  7. Visit three different cities ( or even countries if you can). 
  8. Bake pancakes for breakfast.
  9. Arrange a picnic. Unfortunately, it wasn`t the best one.
  10. Go to the other city, visit cinema there and come back.
  11. Look at the city from the hight of a bird's flight. For billions of times. Photos will be posted later.
  12. Say something cheerful to people for the whole day.
  13. Learn a new thing you couldn`t do before. I was working as a shop assistant.
  14. Meet 5 new people.
  15. Feed homeless cats.
  16. Make a smoothie of vegetables. First I've made one with cucumber and parsley. Ew, it was disgusting. But the I've made another one with black and red currant and it was sour, but rather tasty.
  17. Make your summer playlist or listen to all the albums of one artist.
    M83-Midnight City
    Interpol - NYC'
    Azealia Banks x pharrel - atm jam (Kaytranda Edition)
    Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock!
    Lana Del Rey - Ultraviolence
    Lana Del Rey - Sad Girl
    Lana Del Rey - Brooklyn, baby
    Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?
    Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils
    RUFUS - Sarah (Touch Sensitive Remix)
    Coldplay - Yellow
    Azealia Banks ft. lazy jay - 212
    Lil Silva - Don't You Love (ft. Banks)
    Karma Kid - Bird of Prey
  18. Write a letter to someone.
  19. Make a photo report of one day in your summer.
  20. Find a new interesting place in your city.
  21. Learn a beautiful poem by  heart.
  22. Learn new words in a foreign language.
  23. Live one day without TV, phone and computer.
  24. Walk in the forest.
  25. Cook a meal for someone else.
    Ну вот и всё.
    Ваша Лиза. Your Lisa.

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